The Bible says to remember individuals the rest of the world forgets. Widows, orphans—and also prisoners. Incarceration isolates prisoners from family and social connection systems. Help prisoners find or strengthen a relationship with God by supporting a prison ministry. Encouragement may help an inmate overcome loneliness and despair.
Proverbs 31:8–9 says to speak for the voiceless and stand up for the defenseless. Just as we protect a broken or weaker part of our physical bodies, some members of the body of Christ need additional care. Helping one can strengthen the entire body. Not sure how to help? Your church or local social services department can direct you.
God built humans to crave community. Church is a great place to find community, and every church is different. If you haven't attended recently or don't feel connected where you attend, try visiting different churches for several weeks or months. Find a church community where you feel embraced and enabled to use your gifts for God.
It's easy to choose sugary foods, forget to exercise, or overuse screen time. When healthy habits slide, physical health suffers. And when our Bibles gather dust, we forget to pray, and we stop getting together with other believers, our spiritual health suffers. We need time with God and with other believers to grow our faith.
Interacting with others can be exhausting. Staying home seems easier, particularly on Sunday morning. As we get out of the habit of gathering, we lose connection with others--and with God. Alone, we're more likely to experience anxiety and depression, which can make connecting even more difficult. Maybe that's why Hebrews 10 encourages us not to abandon gathering with other believers. We're STRONGER TOGETHER.
Proverbs 27:17 compares friendship to sharpening swords against each other. When we interact, we make each other better--sharper. Conversation, encouragement, and even inside jokes improve our understanding, our outlook, and our humor. Making new friends isn't easy. Maintaining friendships takes work. But the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits are worth the effort. We're STRONGER TOGETHER.
Alone, it's easy to become discouraged or depressed. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says a single individual can easily be conquered, but two can stand back-to-back and fight off the enemy. Three are even better--their strengths intertwine like a braided cord. Study the Bible with a small group of church friends and watch those friendships blossom.
Did you know physical touch improves health? The World Health Organization, the National Institutes of Health, and other organizations studied touch and recommended premature babies receive at least eight hours of contact to thrive--but touch isn't just for babies. Every age benefits. Touch can improve immune response and speed healing. Hug a family member or friend today!
No one is an island; we know friends are important and we're STRONGER TOGETHER, but sometimes finding community isn't so easy. Look for ways to meet people with similar interests. Love to exercise? Join a small local gym. Enjoy cooking? Take a class. Like to paint? Check local events for a group painting session. Want to get away? Sign up for a church retreat. Feeling adventurous? Try a mission trip.
When we've been out of church a while, sometimes we forget the best reason to attend: God wants to be with us. In Matthew 18:20, Jesus promised that wherever a few gather in his name, he'll be right there. Jesus can’t wait to spend time with US. What are we waiting for? This Sunday, let’s get back to church.
If your family elders live far away, consider unofficially adopting an older member of your church. Invite them to join you for a meal or an afternoon of board games. Ask them to tell stories of how life has changed and what they've learned. Look for ways to bring them joy, and you’ll find your own life enriched.
Anything can begin to feel like a chore if we forget the reason we began. Education, exercise, even church. A class or a morning walk becomes more enjoyable with a friend, and serving God alongside others who love Jesus can motivate us to rekindle our passion. Hebrews 10:24 encourages us to inspire each other to accomplish good work