Children with a father present are physically and emotionally healthier, more confident, and less likely to use drugs or act out. Maintaining relationships with our children, particularly if we have different interests, takes work. But the mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits—for us and for our kids—are worth the effort. Dad, YOU MATTER in the life of your child.
Even in our current culture, men receive messages like “be strong” and “man up.” The weight of responsibility can be overwhelming, and the world offers little support. Time with other godly men is crucial. Men tend to build relationships while working together. Joining a volunteer service project with your church or in your community is a great way to forge strong connections.
Businessmen recognize the difference a mentor can make to help reach the next level. Learning from someone who’s attained higher success makes sense. Similarly, a godly mentor can accelerate our spiritual growth. Ask a godly man you respect to mentor you. Or invite him to join you for coffee or an activity—and let the relationship build naturally through intentional interaction.
God created you to be a man of courage. The world defines courage in terms of superheroes, but true courage is evident in other ways: like choosing to ensure our words reflect our faith, opting to spend time with family instead of overworking, and refusing to join activities we know don’t please God—even if our friends might think we’re crazy.
Second Timothy 2:2 says to take what we’ve learned and pass it to others. Did a mentor help you become the man you are today? Consider paying it forward. Volunteer with your church’s youth group or a community club. Boys of all ages need great role models willing to speak truth into their lives. Mentoring ability is not limited by age.
Qualities that used to reflect a man’s ability to provide for and protect his family are sometimes now seen as overbearing or even "toxic." But biblical manhood grows from a relationship with Jesus. Godly men are willing to be humble, extend forgiveness, and fight for truth. Let’s change the narrative by showing the world what it means to be a "real" man.
We know becoming a successful businessman, master outdoorsman, or DIY expert doesn’t happen overnight or by accident. We watch videos, find mentors, read information, and practice. Becoming a godly man doesn’t happen overnight or by accident, either. What might happen if we put the same effort into sharpening our spiritual skill as we put into our work and hobbies?
“Be the man God created you to be” sounds great, but what if you don’t have a clear idea of who God wants you to be, what he wants you to do, or who you really are? We easily recognize qualities in others, but seeing our own can be difficult. Ask a trusted friend: “tell me about a strength or talent I may not know I have.” Then brainstorm ways you can use that gift for God.
Living with teenagers isn’t always easy, but Dad, YOU ARE IMPORTANT in the life of your teen. Even when your son doesn’t seem to be listening, don’t give up. Participate in and support his interests, even when you can’t understand the draw. Sons with involved fathers are more likely to have more positive, stable relationships and better career success as adults.
Men, when’s the last time you had a conversation about mental health? Finding effective ways to discuss and manage our mental health allows us to better serve God with our minds as well as with our physical skills. Sharing our struggles and concerns with a trusted friend, men’s group, or counselor can help us see we’re not alone.
Men, your behavior in front of your children sets the pattern for their future interpersonal relationships. When you treat your wife with kindness and show the kids she comes first, you help your son learn how to be a loving partner for his future wife, and you teach your daughter to choose a man who will care for her well-being.
How can we become the man God called us to be without knowing who he created? Learning about our spiritual gifts and personality provides understanding of who we are and why we react in certain ways. This insight can help us focus on our strengths and minimize our weaknesses.
"He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with you God?" ~ Micah 6:8
Our decree: We declare that men will step into their God-created masculinity and become the strength needed in our nation and homes.
Resources for Godly Men
Challenges men of all ages
to become bold about leading... |